Our Success & Company History

About Us

Morocco ... land of mystery, rich culture, and unique natural resources. Where century old remedies for beauty and longevity are guarded by Families as treasures.

The introduction of the Female Moroccan Co-operative  is an effort to include women and financially empower them to earn and support their families through making these unique formulas. The cooperatives are committed to producing high quality oils both for culinary and cosmetic use.

The now famous Argan  tree has been known for centuries to, beautify hair and skin and is one of many unique products  along with beautiful handicrafts in weaving and pottery.

These accomplishments and there current availability through  master artisans and the meticulous work of the people represent the pride and joy of Morocco’s history, helping to preserve and evolve Moroccan heritage.

Our goal is to share Moroccan treasures by giving you our highest quality items at affordable prices.